Completing a large commercial construction project is a huge undertaking. In traditional construction, this can mean that thousands of people from different companies are all trying to work together to achieve the same goal. Often though, there are many segmented pieces of the process that can hinder the overall development and completion of the building. In a design/build construction project, however, everyone is working on the same team. Below, let’s see why this makes design/build construction the best option.
Completed Within Budget Constraints
In a design/build construction project the designer, architect, builder, and accountant are all on the same team. If the designer decides to change an element to the building the entire team is aware of the change quickly and the cost changes are effectively calculated and communicated. In a traditional construction site, one small change may not be communicated until it is too late to adjust the overall project budget elsewhere.
Finished On Time
Because each key element to building a commercial site is working for the same company communication is quick and efficient between departments. In typical commercial construction often valuable time is lost waiting for changes to be reviewed and approved by the various teams of people. These delays can add up over time and eventually push the project completion date far past the originally planned date.
Better Quality Control
With design/build construction everyone is working for the same company. This means that everyone is equally responsible for the quality of building they are able to complete. When everyone is working for the same team you are less likely to see cases of problems being pushed off from one company to another. Typically, the overall quality of the buildings is far superior when completed with a design/build team.
Single Point of Contact
When working with design/build you only have one company to work with. Any questions you may have or changes that you want to be considered only need to be communicated to one person on the team. Your question or message is then relayed internally