Who We Are
Who, What, Where...
Midwest Steel, founded in 1968, is headquartered in Detroit Michigan. We have offices in Michigan, Indiana, Alabama, Florida and Canada. Since opening our doors, we have been delivering quality steel services to our customers and continue to LEAD the Steel Industry with a new steel management culture - - new ideas for delivering highly successful projects to every customer.
Midwest's Differentiated Approach...
Our Structural Steel Design Build Assist/ Integrated Project Delivery approach to projects, provides Project Owners, Project Architects, Structural Engineers, and Construction Managers with alternative constructability design opportunities, and the integration of the Design Build, Design Assist, Structural Steel Detailing, Steel Fabrication, Virtual Construction, and Steel Erection early on... during the Conceptual, Schematic, and Design Development phases of a project. We approach projects holistically and connect the elements with a high degree of collaboration and creativity.
Our Goal and Responsibility...
The Midwest Steel Team maintains the integrity of the steel design while providing cost saving suggestions that allow for reductions in the project budget and shaving time from the project schedule (time is money!). We work with the Project Team developing cost effective steel strategies early on to avoid project schedule delays and the escalation of steel prices.
We're All About Results... Quality and Safety!
Our quick and organized response to the structural tornado damage at the General Motors Oklahoma City Paint Shop is evidence of our results focused Teams. The Midwest Team completed 10,000 hours of continuous round the clock work in ten days, returning the plant to production quickly and safely with no reportable lost time injuries.
The Toyota Motors Manufacturing Plant in San Antonio is another example of precise planning and detailed coordination. The Midwest Steel Team fabricated and erected 10,500 Tons of steel in ten (10) weeks with zero safety incidents.